TL20041021_001 "Baltimore's #1 College Paper - Published Twice-Weekly - Thursday, 10/21/04 Myers talks sex with freshmen 5 Seminar focuses on potential threat 5 'Birthday Bash' celebrates BMA ?? 1 13 Christmas movie short on laughs Departments Opinion News 5 PawPrints 6 Police Blotter. 6 Arts 13 Scheer Cinema 14 Now Showing. 15 Entertainment Briefs. 15 Sports 20 In this corner. 20 Punt, Pass, &Pick 18 Classifieds 17 Construction for Arts continues Lisa Johnson/The Towerlight A painting studio overlooking the campus continues to be built on the fourth floor of the Center for the Arts. The entire north wing is being worked on. Still a year away from completion, Center for the Arts continues to host classes, activities Brian Stelter The Towerlight In a little less than one year, it'll be complete. Well, not quite. The finishing touches will be added next school year, but by mid-October 2005, the 30-year old Center for the Arts will have a new face. Inside the shell of the new building, concrete blocks are piled neatly in rows. Stacks of air ducts sit on the floor, awaiting installation. Hundreds of metal studs line hallways, marking future offices and storage rooms. Workers would never guess the building is occupied by hundreds of students and dozens of faculty members - except for the occasional tune of a tuba down the hall. David Mayhew, director for architecture, engineering and construction, said about $42 million has been allotted for the project. It is on schedule and on budget, he said. This week traffic patterns on Cross Campus Drive have been modified as a large crane places mechanical units onto the building's roof. The building will nearly double in size, from its current 166,000 sq. feet to a projected 288,000 sq. feet. Towson broke ground on the project in May 2003, but the most visible aspects of the construction appeared on the horizon over the summer, as the building's new north wing rose from concrete pilings. One side of the building was demolished to make way for the four-story addition. An """"L wing"""" is also being constructed along Osier Drive. The building will include a new black box theater, recital hall, addi tional offices, a new Asian gallery and new dance studios. The renovations will move the front door of the building to Cross Campus Drive, thus connecting the complex to the rest of campus. A new entrance across from the Union Parking Garage will lead into a student commons on the second floor. The area is an airy, open space, complete with skylights and room for a future cafe. """"You certainly get drawn up into the space,"""" Mayhew said, pointing toward the grand staircase, which connects the second and third floors. In the original building, """"it was easy to get lost,"""" he pointed out. But See RENOVATIONS, page 9 Lisa Johnson/The Towerlight An overhead view of the construction on the front of Center for the Arts. Today High 58 Low 46 Friday High 59 Low 41 Saturday High 58 Low 47 Sunday High 65 Low 48 ftt?/t? ?- * - ?? * Monday High 68 Low 46"