tl19521112-000 "5--! Students Choose Ike in 'Mock' Elections In a student ""mock"" election, General Dwight D. Eisenhower sweeped into the presidency by a margin of 145 votes. Approximately 89% of the stu-dents voted in the election � 387 casting their ballots for Eisen-hower and 242 for Stevenson. The same day that Towson had its election. thousands of citizens General D. Eisenhower president- elect went to the polls and voted for their particular candidates in the nationals. As Towson, went so went the nation. Ike received an avalanche of votes that gave him the presidency however fell short of guaranteeing him a Republican controlled Congress. Broke ""Solid-South"" A major accomplishment was the break through the ""Solid- South"" � something no Republi-can has done since Hoover in his 1928 political campaign. Governor Adlai Stevenson con-ceded the election to Eisenhower with a telegram stating that the people have made their choice and that he knew Ike would try to serve and guide the people in peace. He also stated : ""Ike was a great leader in war � vigorous and valiant; and he will lead the country in the next four years."" Ike Gets Popular Vote Eisenhower received 442 elec-toral votes to Stevenson's 89 in the 146,361 precincts reported. Ike got 57% of the popular vote which was in excess of the record cast in 1940. In some respects, Eisen-hower's was more of a personal than a party victory. Although he helped elect some Republican Administration in many states, there was rough sledding for the GOP in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Nixon Honored Senator Richard M. Nixon, of California, stated that it was a great honor to become the vice-president elect and that the over-whelming victory of the Repub-lican party was ""A great tribute to a great man."" Thanksgiving to be Feted by Religious Organizations Thanksgiving will be celebrated The Student Christian Associa-here on campus by the religious tion Choir accompanied by the clubs with an assembly program student body will sing, ""Come Ye on November 25. Thankful"" as the processional The Reverend Martin Schwal- march. enberg will be guest speaker for the program. Father is a Catho-lic priest, moderator of the New-man Club and a curate at the Church of the Immaculate Con-ception in Towson. Organizations Participate Working on the assembly are the Student Christian Association, the Canterbury Club, and the Newman Club. Bill Miller, Lor-raine Walke, Marge Stuff, Keith Wilson,. Janice Wicklis and Pat Hogland include the planning committee. Literary Donation Given To Library Recently, the library received two gifts; one was a set of Jew-ish Encyclopedia .and the other a set of Harvard Classics. The Jewish Encyclopedia were presented by Mr. Israel Greenthal. The bookplates which are being made for each volume will state that the set was given by Mr. Greenthal in honor of the Jewish killed and martyred in World War According to Miss Reeder, head librarian, these scholarly books, Which will round out reference material in this field and will be a splendid reference for students. The other gift of Harvard Classics was given by Mrs. Mil-dred Carr who was reference li-brarian here last year and who is now living in Greenville, North Carolina. This set of books, which was an addition to the library, Will fill in gaps in the collection. The library has also purchased several books for recreational reading; such as Elizabeth Vin-ing's Windows for the Crown Prince, Edna Ferber's Giant, Ern-est Hemmingway's, The Old Man and the Sea, and the Forgotten One, and a collection of stories by Hall. Bible Readings Pat Hogland, Regional Direct-ress of Maryland Newman Clubs, will read Psalm 100 followed by responsive readings lead by Lor-raine Walke, of the Canterbury Club. The Student Christian Associa-tion Choir, under the direction of Miss McDonald will render two anthems. This will be followed by another Bible reading by Keith Wilson, of the Student Christian Association. The entire student body will participate in the tra-ditional German folk tune, ""Now Thank We All Our God."" Priest to Speak Reverend Schwalenberg will present his address on the true idea of Thanksgiving and what it should mean to us. He will say the closing prayer and pronounce the benediction. As the recession-leather Schwalenberg guest speaker al, the choir will sing ""We Gather Together."" The planning committee has stated that they have tried to make the program one which will appeal to members of all faiths. TOWER LIGHT Vol. 6, No. 6 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, TOWSON November 12, 1952 newi erie1J Social Questionaire All students are requested to return the questionnaire on social activities to their advisers imme-diately. The advisers in turn will forward them to Dr. Earl T. Haw-kins. Bookshop Hours Bookshop hours are now 8:45 to 4:30. It will be closed for cleaning from 1:30 to 2:30 daily. Activity Cards Any student who has not as yet picked up his activity card or stu-dent handbook may do so by ap-plying at the Student Government Association office � room 15, basement of Newell - -- during publicized office hours. Tower Light Catalogued All previous editions of the TowER LWIIT have been cata-logued and placed in the library. An index which is arranged ac-cording to articles and names of persons appearing in articles is included in this card catalogue. Soccer In The News A photograph taken by Dr. Don-ald Minnegan of Towson and Johns Hopkins soccer players was used as the cover of the October issue of the Journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. ""Soc-cer a Sport for All,"" the first article in the Journal, was also written by Dr. Minnegan. Blood Day A total of 126 pints of blood were donated on donor day. Twen-ty- two people were turned down and many student teachers were unable to donate at the time spec-ified. First Senior Dance Set For Saturday .Saturday, November 15, has been set as the date for the first senior class dance, to be held in the gymnasium from nine to twelve o'clock. The theme of the dance is the ""Fall Fling"" and the gymnasium will be decorated in all the bright Jim Wirth, Don Webb Co-chairman of senior dance colors of the autumn season. Mu-sic for the semi-formal will be provided by the Debonaires, a dance orchestra from Baltimore which has played for many of the socials at State Teachers College. Tickets for Guests The dance is open to all Tow-sonites who will be admitted by showing their activity cards. Tickets for guests will be on sale for one dollar at the booth in the alcove of the Administration Parents of New Students to Visit Teachers' Campus Parents of the freshmen will be guests of the college on Fresh-man Parents Visiting Day, Fri-day, November 14. The parents will be introduced to the campus and will see a typical school day in order to get a cross sectional view of college life in action and to meet the faculty and friends of the students. Parents Register Parents will register between and 10 o'clock. The Freshman Wvisory Council has appointed tudent hosts who will be pre-iared to conduct tours of the cam- )U5 at this time. At 10 o'clock Freshman Assembly is scheduled vhen the parents and the entire Preshman Class will meet togeth- !r. Betty McElroy will be the iresiding officer. Jack Harren, ,emporary president of the Class if 1956, will extend a greeting to ,he parents; and Dr. Earle T. lawkins will deliver a message. kdding a 'musical touch, the Glee :alb and Girls Chorus will sing 3everal selections. Discussion Groups From 11:15 to 12:15 there will oe Parent Discussion Groups when parents, student officers, repre-sentatives of the Freshman Class, and members of the Freshman Advisory Council will meet to bring up points of interest about the college and to answer ques-tions asked by the parents. Lead-ing these discussion groups will be Martha von Schwerdtner; Jack Lapides, and Virginia Cosgrove. Lunch will be served at 12:15. From 1 to 4 o'clock, freshman classes will be open to all par-ents who are interested in seeing how college courses are conducted. The Faculty Tea for freshmen and parents will be from 2:15 to 4:30 and will be held in the auditorium. This will conclude the planned program for the day. Building all during the week pre-ceding the dance. Jackie Wagner will be in charge of this booth. SGA Cards Signed The senior class officers have stated that the Student Govern-ment Association activity cards must be signed and possessed by their rightful owners or they will be confiscated. Complete Support The social chairman for the sen-ior class has stated that he is certain of the � spontaneous suc-cess of this initial semi-formal of the year for he has had the com-plete support of his class. Many unique innovations will character-ize this affair. SCA Assumes Game Room One of the most recent under-takings of the Student Govern-ment Association is assuming the responsibility of the Table Tennis room. Previously this room was under the auspices of the Women's House Committee to be used by the dorm students; but, since so many day hops used the room, the system was changed. Not only has the authority changed but the room has also seen some renovation. As soon as the room under the dining hall is completed and becomes the Stu-dent Union, the Table Tennis room will be moved there from. Rich-mond Hall. Therefore, any im-provements that the Student Gov-ernment could make on the room would be of no particular avail at this time since the room would not be used to best advantage. Evidence of some improvements was the purchase of new paddles; balls will continue to be bought by the players. Towsonites are urged to be con-scious of the equipment and to use it carefully. Only a certain amount of money has been allo-cated for this project in the bud-get; and, as soon as the money is exhausted, all improvements on this room will cease. 'This Is It' Presented As Junior Class Assembly With all the excitement tradi-tional to an opening night, the class of '54 opened their class as-sembly yesterday. ""This Is It"" was the general theme of the program which was based around three essential parts: Melody, Mood, and Mad-ness. This theme was maintained throughout the hour show. Forty Members Participate Over forty members of the jun-ior class participated; however no one person had the lead or major role in the production. The script was written by Dee Owens; choreography was under the direc-tion of Hallie Odgers; Pat Karl & Jackie Pfarr acted as co-directors of the musical portion. Musical Selections Some of the selections harmoni-zed by the chorus were ""Josh'a Fit the Battle of Jericho,"" ""Blow, Gabriel Blow,"" ""The All-American Boy,"" ""We're In the Money,"" and ""Hallelujuh."" Barbara Richardson sang, ""The Gentlemen Is a Dope,"" and Dick Wiese encountered with ""I Love Girls."" Jackie Pfarr gave her ren-dition of ""Baisin Street Blues."" This was followed by an old time silent movie. Lighting, Scenery Emphasized Dee Owings, general chairman stated, ""We've tried to make this production much more polished than last year since more emphasis was put on scenery, lighting, and costumes. The whole junior class pitched in and worked together and we surely hoped that the stu-dent body enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed presenting it. "