tl19480603-000 "V Vol. 2, No. 10 TOWER LIGHT STATE TEACTIERSTOELEGE,TOWSON, MD. Hawkins Receives Honorary Degree Gave Graduation Address At Western Maryland Upon the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary of graduation from Western Maryland College, Dr. Earle T. Hawkins delivered the commencement address at that school's graduation on May 31st. Dr. Hawkins was awarded an honorary degree of Dbctor of Law at the ceremonies. The theme of the address was the ""need to develop in America a new type of general college education."" Dr. Hawkins will also speak at the commencement exercises of Wilson Teachers College on June 24th. ""The theory of liberal arts educa-tion was formerly for the highly educated minority"", explained Dr. Hawkins. ""It was based on the theo-logical idea of educating persons in the ancient languages and fitting them only for jobs as clergy. That idea is changing and may soon be-come obsolete. Dr. Earle T. Hawkins From the text of his speech, Hawkins stated that ""any educa-tional program must be judged largely in terms of two basic points �f reference�the student to whom it is offered and the society in which it is offered."" Because he feels that ""any system of education inevit-ahlY reflects the civilization of Which it is a part,"" Dr. Hawkins said that America's educational sys-tem should reflect the importance of the individual as an individual. It must be realized that all persons. do not appreciate or absorb the same things. Dr. Hawkins expressed the thought that the ""greatest challenge facing higher education today is that of building a program which is really general education."" He s,aid that the ""liberal arts"" courses being offered in many colleges is Often ""not ,too liberal"". Quoting an article he wrote for ,the Office of Education, Dr. Haw- 4in5 stated that ""the normal Ameri-can adult"" must be educated to earn a living, but must also be ed- I4eated to live every phase of his 4ife with competence. Dr. Electives Added For Next Year The following courses have just been added to the regular list of electives. Students who are inter-ested in electives for next year may consider these: English 309 � Development of Dramatic Form. Georgraphy 4,401�Regional Geog-raphy of the Far East. Georgraphy 311�Regional Geog-raphy of the United States. Health 420�Mental Health. Art 310�Workshop in Handi-crafts. History 312�England in Handi- Century. Health 330�Physiology of Child Growth. At the present time there are 200 applicants on file for the Teachers College and fifty for the Junior College. Dr. Rebecca Tansil, Regis-trar, has stated that ""it appears that the Freshman Class of next Sep-tember will exceed the one of Sep-tember, 1947."" ""Of course all pres-ent applicants will not enter due to employment and records, but at the same time we are getting new applications every day."" One change in admission proced-ure is significant. All high school seniors are taking college aptitude tests this spring and these tests will be considered in determining the eligibility of the applicant. This means that the tests given here dur-ing Orientation week will be used more for placement and guidance rather than for meeting entrance requirements. An additional day has been added to Freshman week which will per-mit an expansion of the program that will be jointly planned by 'fac-ulty and FAC. FTA Appoints Committees Candidates chosen by the FTA nominating committee to fill offices of president, vice-president, secre-tary and treasurer were approved at a recent meeting of the Future Teachers of America, and the elec-tions will be scheduled for the near future. Members of the FTA have been informed by Clara Beall Carter, act-ing chairman, that they must select a name for the chapter. Several suggestions were made, but no defi-nite action will be taken until next September. Members were also told of the charter and purposes of FTA chapters, and will adopt one purpose to be fulfilled by the STC chapter. A Committee of Projects was ap-pointed, and committe members are Mildred Levy, Margaret Stauffer, Bill Hilgartner and Albert Naeny. Rose Marie Wallace was appoint-ed to secure a bulletin board for the FTA, on which all future notices of meetings and projects will be posted. JUNE 3,-1948� Officers of Senior Class (left to right) standing�E. Thomas, Treasurer; M. Galperin, Day Social Chairman; A. M. Kerber, Secretary; R. Gross, SGA Represeneative; D. Hammerman, President; E. M. Smith, Vice-Presi-dent. Senior Class Schedule Tuesday, June 1�Senior Assem-bly 11:00 A. M. Auditorium. Saturday, June 5�Chi Alpha Sig-ma and Kappa Delta Pi Luncheon 1:00 P. M. Newell Hall. Thursday, June 10�President's Dinner 6:00 P. M. Glen Esk. Friday, June 11�Senior Prom 9:00 P. M. Elementary School Audi-torium. Reception of Graduates and Guests 5:00 P .M. Administration Building. Monday, June 14�Senior Glen Party 5:30 P. M. Tuesday, June 15�Commence-ment 11:00 A. M. Auditorium. JC Students Receive A. A's Junior College students who will complete their sophomore year this semester will be granted degrees in Associates of Arts. These students will then carry their degrees on to other colleges to complete their four years work and win Bachelor's degrees. Forty-three members of the Junior College Sophomore Class will be granted the A. A. degrees and their names will be listed on the commencement program, upon completion of 60 hours credit. The real purpose of the Junior College is to provide a transfer program for students. The President's Dinner for Jun-ior College Sophomores, to be given by Dr. Earle T. Hawkins, will be held on Tuesday, June 8 at 6:00 P. M. in Glen Esk, the President's home. Alumni Return For Meetings Alumni Day will be observed on Saturday, June 12 under the direc-tion of Dr. Harold Moser. At 3:00 P. M., Alumni members will be re-ceived by the president, Dr. Earle T. Hawkins in his office, and at 4:00 P. M., the alumni association will hold its general business meeting in the Administration Building. Separate class meetings will be conducted at 4:45 P. M., under the direction of various class officers in the Administration Building. Din-ner for the alumni will be given in Newell Hall Dining Room at 6:00 P. M. In the auditorium at 8:15 P. M., members of the Alumni As-sociation will be entertained with a Musical Revue by the Valley Play-ers. ""Tower Echoes,"" Is '49 Yearbook Name The 1949 Yearbook has been named. ""Tower Echoes"" has been selected by the Judging Committee for the Junior Class Yearbook Con-test as their choice from among the many entries. ""Tower Echoes"" was submitted by Miss Paula Taylor and the Junior Class is happy to make the award to Miss Taylor. Miss Taylor is a mem-ber of the Junior College and the Junior Class hopes that her gold school pin will remind her in years to come of her stay at STC. Elizabeth VanDyke, Marian Allison Varner, Helen Elfleda Wampler, Es-telle May Wood, Helen Mae Wood, Sara Jane Young. 59 Candidates For B. S. Degrees On Sunday, June 13, at 4:00 P. M. the Baccalaureate Service for the senior class will be held in the au-ditorium. The Reverend Paul Christopher Warren, DD of the Second Presbyterian Church of Baltimore will deliver the sermon. Members of the Senior Class will attend services in their caps and gowns. Music for the occasion will be rendered by the Glee Club under the direction of Miss Emma E. Weyforth. Graduation exercises for the 59 candidates for degrees in Bachelor of Science in Education will be held on Tuesday, June 15 at 11 A. M. in the auditorium. The speaker will be Dr. Ralph McDonald, Executive Secretary of the National Commis-sion on Teacher Education and Pro-fessional Standards of the National Education Association of the United States. Miss M. C. Kahl, Class Advisor William Edward Ackley, Mary Caples Bleakley, Mary Lee Brooks, Violet Marie Caltrider, Ellen Mar-garet Carroll, Dorothea Elizabeth Chenworth, Catherine Thomas Comstock, David Lloyd Cornth-waite, Phyllis Kane Corwell, Mary Belle Cox, Audrey Ellen Crawford, Nancy Lee Dallam, Dorothy Made-lene D'Amario, Ralph Cecil Daniels, Ruth Eileen DeHoff, Virginia Lee Evans, Virginia Lee Franz, Nancy Leftwich Fuqua, Franklin Peter Galley, Miriam Galperin, Ruth Lor-etta Gross, Doris Louise Hale, Don- . ald Robert Hammerman, John Jo-seph Hart, Margaret Hennlein, Charlotte Burns Hosier, John Nar-cis Hutton, Betty Jane Johnson, Ruby Marguerite Kemp, Anna Mae Kerber, Mildred Mary Kubar, Ilia Jana Leonard, Sara Elizabeth Mc- Fadden, Mary Norma Mattingly, Doris Elaine Miller, Elizabeth Louise Hendricks Miller, Kathleen Matilda Miller, Edith Paul, Paula Pelton, Margaret Elizabeth Penn-ington, Jean Claire Post, Jean Carol Ritter, Sara Sylvia Rosen, Elizabeth Catherine Schisler, Ruby Friese Shubkagle, Bernice Shugar, Eliza-beth Pollock Simpson, Elva Mae Smith, Ruth Elizabeth Snell, Oswald Barkdoll Spellman, Betty Anne Spruill, Ethel Blanche Thomas, Shirley Marguerite Vance, Eleanor "