tl19571220-000 "TOWER LIGHT Vol. X, No. 8 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, TOWSON, MARYLAND December 20, 19117 Christmas Annual Christmas Plans Made For Faculty Offices vAu� isc Thoughts Dinner Held The resident student Fallowfield e 'have all heard that the stmas season is a time for ig. This is true -- ask the .keepers. We not only give to families and friends but also hose who are in need. We our time, talent, and money. iring Christmas, schools, col-clubs, and civil groups give Les at childrens' hospitals, :al hospitals, penitentiaries, Ling schools, veterans' hospi-orphanages, and old peoples' s. Needy families are given and presents. !re at Towson we have the al orphans party. Several in the dormitories gave a V to the boys at the Mary- Training School. These are ,hings which add to the spirit hristmas. ifortunately the m lasts only a :s. When the Christmas dee-ons are down, so are the lofty .Thts of the Yuletide good 7. We go back to school or . and once again become en- ;ed in our ""everyday living,"" h does not include helping 's who are in need. Of course are some exceptions to the Some of the religious clubs ampus carry on year-round to help others. But for the part, the orphanages, the old -iomes, the hospitals, and oth- [-lust wait until next year be-they see our faces again. is article is not a plea to giving at Christmas, but it is to keep on giving in the tmas, spirit throughout the year. By the Christmas it is not meant the sleighs, ,7 canes, or red-coated, white- ;ered elf but a spirit of giv- -- giving to those who need. do not like to be so mer-y but it is natural to say, Lt do I get in return?"" As Larimer Mellon, Jr., n an article which appeared is Week Magazine of the Bal-e Sunpapers, ""You can only by giving."" receive satisfaction and ness through giving, regard- Df the time and trouble it cause. Can you find a better in? Christmas few short re-iefly The Music on Mondays series continue on January 13, 1958 With a lecture-recital entitled, a az;4, America's Only Original Art vo,_ ,n."" The Mitchell-Ruff Jazz utio will assist the Music Depart- Illent with this presentation. the annual Christmas Dinner Thursday, December 19, 1957, the Newell Hall dining room 6 p.m. Sharon Romer, junior, was in charge of the many details in-volved in arranging for the large number of dormitory students who were present. From 7 to 8 p.m. Open House was held in the resident halls so that everyone could view the var-ious Christmas decorations. A con-test was held among the resident women for the best decorated doors on the floor of each hall. This year Towson students play-ed Santa Claus by giving gifts to the children from the McKim Cen-ter at the resident students party held in the Wiedefeld Gymnasium at 8 p.m. Money was collected dur-ing the previous week to buy pre-sents for the children. After an evening of caroling, the Christmas ""spirit"" permeated the campus, and all were looking for-ward to the Christmas holidays at home with friends and family. on in at The College Glee Club will present a Christmas Music Program at 11:35 a.m. On Station WFBR on Christmas morning. Be sure to listen! On returning to Towson State Teachers College after the Christmas holidays, the students will find a new look at the college. The center floor of Ste-phen's Hall, where the old library used to be, will have been remodeled and rearranged. The basic changes are shown in the following diagram. )kOM15S100(1 16$ OF�BoCe 141 Mrs FACULTY LOUNif 139 PASSAGE WAY oPtIcE MICE 104 107 LAM OW oso LAYATOgy 137 OUSINFis �ma COAIM ofFic WomEli FACOITY' UMW OA Nur ROOM wielT 114 10 116 OFFItt 11$1 WAITM ROOM oFFICA 111 OFFICE 01 OPF ICE 136 11 b=ROoM 1n1o0 RI III ArTaiPo-s itatE- DEAN That' osigitswg NAN OR *OW 117 Besides the reorganization of room arrangement, the rooms will have been repainted in pleasant col-ors, air conditioned, and a new board room will have been paneled on all sides and contain a modern fireplace. The board room will be the site of many meetings, social gatherings, and teas held by the President of the college. approx. scale.J.z rt 1' � MobilhISTRATION tla mins Nom 117 Newman Club To Have Dance up On January 11, 1958, the Balti. more Region Newman Club sponsoring ""The Snowflake Ball.' Tommy Thompson's Modernists will provide the music in the Blu( Room of the Alcazar from 8 'ti Midnight. A Snow Queen wil reign over the dance. Tickets arc $2.50 per couple, the dress is in formal, and the dance is open tc non-Catholic as well as Catholic students. Tickets may be pur chased through Ruth Sassaman Box 392. In lieu of the holiday season, the Tower Light staff has decided to shift many feature articles to the news page. We feel that our readers will enjoy the Christmas articles which we have selected for this issue. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! "