tl19750926-000 "Israel needs clear commitmentfor peace on cither,t 4 Moshe Dyan, former Israeli defense minister takes time to answer questions du-ring reception held after speech. TL photo by Dave Esposito 3 VOL LXVIII, NO. 4 32 LII TOWSON STATE COLLEGE Dyan realizes the United States is not the policeman of the world. SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 TSC a University? . . . maybe by Lisa Wadsworth In a brief address before the first meeting of the Academic Council, President Fisher commented that he hopes for a congressional override of Governor Mandel's veto of a bill which will give University status to rowson State College. Fisher urged the faculty to maintain a ""low-keyed"" status on the university issue while indicating that students should actively involve themselves with this question. The projected ceiling enrollment of 9,400 students is estimated to be reached within the next two or three Years, said Fisher. This semester's enrollment figures are approximately 14,620 with 8,150 in the day division. Dean Siegal added that there are 3,000 new students, only two thirds of which tittended orientation this summer. A major concern among the Council was that in the future more qualified students will be denied admission to the College because of already over-crowded conditions. No figures have been compiled stating how many qualified students a( have been denied admission so far. 151 The 1976 budget experienced a two-million dollar increase over last year's. Over ten per cent of this Money has gone towards general tunds, one million dollars goes towards salary increases, while three hundred thousand dollars will be spent on fuel. an Governor Mandel still refuses any rn tax increase which would help the la College's monitary situation. There will possibly be a sixty dollar increase m student fees because of the ,o1 Governor's lack of assistance. Ji Vice President of Business and DelFinance, Wayne Schelle, reported the ""'76 budget is very tight, we are still suffering tremendously in an in- Council discusses enrollment standards flationary crunch."" Vice-President Schelle estimated that all of the renovation projects currently underway should be completed by 1979. The college is also under the last construction plans in accordance with the projected ceiling enrollment. Announcements made A new $60,000 telephone will be installed at the starting in October. This is sophisticated and expensive system College a very system which will replace the manual switch-board. All extensions will become direct lines which will .increase speed and efficiency. Commencement date for spring graduation has been 'scheduled for May 30, 1976 at the Civic Center. Even though this date is one week earlier than originally planned, no major problems are expected. � The new science wing should be open October 1, 197,& and the Classroom II Project is slated for February 1977. President Fisher has assigned top priority to the construction of parking (leeks. The college has been asking the State for the money to build these decks for seven years. If once all surfaced lots are covered and the state still refuses to fund the projects, the College may have to finance them"" themselves. The next Academic Council meeting is scheduled for October 6. mum� $2,500 allotted to planned parenthood 217c by T.F. Troy, Jr. "" After some argument over commitments"", the SGA Senate voted on Tuesday to pass a bill allocating $2500 per year to Planned Parenthood, Inc. Shelia Culberson, speaking for the Appropriations Committee, said that the local director of Planned Parenthood believed he had a commitment from SGA last year to fund his operations. Therefore, the Committee proposed that they begin the appropriation of $2500 per year retroactively with last year, making 0 this year's payment $5000. According A to Culberson, if the man didn't get the J, money, ""he would pack up his bags �, and go."" There was much discussion over a bill recommending a representative of an organization be at a meeting of the Appropriations Committee when a request of theirs is being con-sidered nri . Some Senators stated loudly ""if they want the money, they better find out when the meeting is and be there!"" Others voiced consideration for the organizations, saying that a simple notification would make things easier. The argument continued until Mike Hill, is an effort to end it, an-nounced that he would take care of the notification himself if they could just get off the subject. Finally, the Senate agreed to let the Secretary of Council of Organizations and General Services do the notifying. The Senators accepted this idea but argument ensued over the second section of the bill asking that by Marlene Milder Before a crowed of 2,500 people in Burdick Hall, Moshe � Dyan main-tained that an end of fighting and belligerence could now be achieved in the Middle East and called for American political support in the attempt. Dyan attributes this to ""A change in Egypt based on per-sonalities and the bitter lesson the Egyptians learned from fighting in the past .four wars) and getting nowhere."" Dyan also asserted he was not happy with the agreement between Israel and the Arab countries because Israel did not have a clear com-mitment from Egypt concerning actual peace. The former minister of defense blamed ""everybody"" for the United States substituting financial and military aid to Israel instead of ob-taining a clear understanding from Egypt. Ile said ""compensation and substitute"" was no good. Only through the United States will there be peace in the Middle East, declared 11yan. this being poltical. not military. Dyan sees the U.S. as a balance against Russian forces because ""we can't be rid of belligerence until Russia is out and Russia is still there with tanks."" Dyan's term personality change refers to Anwar Sadat becoming President of Egypt in 1970 replacing Abdul Nassar. Sadat is ""heading for peace,"" said Dyan, after realizing he could get more territory with Kissinger there with his forces. so he turned to the political field. The ex-Prime Minister then outlined the outcome of the past four Middle East wars, maintaining that United States political involvement is necessary in preserving peace in the Arab and Israeli countries. During the . first war in 1948, Ralph Bunch acted on behalf of the United Nations in the Middle East to obtain peace, related Dyan. ""All he had was plenty of good will,"" said the general, and all he could do was talk. Peace was not achieved at this time because there was only one man trying to bring four Arab countries and Israel together."" Ti photo by Dave Esposito ""United Nations forces were introduced with the advent of the 1956 war,"" commented Dyan, ""acting as a buffer zone between the Middle Eastern countries,"" War resulted when the Egyptians closed the waterway to the Red Sea. causing economic strife to t he Israelis. The United States, under President Eisenhower ""told,"" Israel's Prime Minister Ben Gurian to with-draw the captured lands of the Sinai and surrounding territory. ""When President Nassar closed the Waterways again in 1967, it was seen the United 'Nations had no real power,"" said Dyan. ""When Israel went to the United States, under Johnson,"" reported Dyan. ""The 'U.S. replied they weren't the policemen of the world."" It was at this point Israel decided to take care of themselves and e'ar ensued in 1967. ""The 1973 Yom Kippur war waged by Syria and Egypt did take the Israelis by surprise,"" maintained Dyan, ""because the Israelis rely on back up and mobilization."" Dyan said with only :3 million people in t he yountry, they can't have men wait ine on the line for war. He compared I he :1 million inhabitants with thy I million people living in Syria alone. ""When the Israelis overcame their surprise and fought in the war, t he Russians felt the Arabs were not doing well and so sent Russian Paratroopers to help protect Cairo,"" said Dyan. After the 3rd Egyptian Army was besieged by the Israelis, the Russians sent more troops over. ""Because peace negotiations did not work in 1948 and U.N. forces did not help the Middle East situation, the Security Council set a peace conference in Geneva sponsored by the two super powers, the United States and Russia,"" reported the General. Dyan maintained Israel will work within the peace agreement and should be supported, but is waiting for the Arabs to sit down and make peace. organizations be notified when and where their request is being con-sidered. Other actions: Senate appointed Leon Langley to Chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee and the Senate appointed three new Senators to assume their posts next week. Those named were Dave Kennedy, Eric Perkins and Sophia Stevens. Kentucky jocks arrested at TSC Three Kentucky State University Football players were arrested Saturday night following an hour's rampage throughout the residential buildings. According to security officers Ryan and Phillips, three black males entered West Hall at approximately 9:49 p.m., began looking into various rooms and then went into a shower room occupied by a female West resident. As the suspects were leaving they broke a window out of the front door. The C.A. in the building called security and immediately began questioning individuals concerning their recent whereabouts. At 9:59 three suspects were arrested in front of Glen Esk and taken into custody. Upon iden-tification by witnesses, the suspects were brought to the Towson Jail and arraigned before the commissioner some time Saturday night. They were charged with trespassing and were freed on $50 bond. Their trial is set for October 30. 2,500 attend first Speaker's Series lecture. TI, photo by Dave Esposito "