tl19891102-000 "Vol. 84 No. 9 iii 4i4i � Published weekly by the students of Towson State University, Towson ""Required Reading"" November 2, 1989 v�i el :I c2) ti MD 21904 More Than You Imagined A gamut of Homecoming activities by Michele Newbern Features Writer Relive the memories and create some new ones at the More Than You Imagined Homecoming weekend '89, November 3, 4, and 5. This year's Homecoming will kick off with an evening parade through campus November 3 beginning at 6:30 pm. Join the TSU Tiger marching band, pompom squad, cheerleaders, finalists for the Outstanding Man and Woman awards, student and alumni floats and others as they parade through campus ending at Union field for the annual pep rally. Come and give the Tiger football team a rousing show of support for Saturday's game against the University of Rhode Island Rams. Jerry Sandusky, sports anchor at WBAL TV and TSU alumni football player will serve as the master of ceremonies for the pep rally. The ""Yell Like Hell Contest"" will b held during the pep rally so that TSU Student Organizations/Residence Hall groups can express their en-thusiasm through a cheer, chant, yell, or song consistent with the overall theme of Homecoming. Also at the pep rally the finalists for the Outstanding Man and Woman awards will be introduced. The women candidates are: seniors Karen Campbell, Dina Marie Miles, Kimberly Ann Stanton, and Kimberly Anne Williams. The finalists for the Outstanding Man award are: seniors Terrence Casey, Christopher Deaver, and J. Scott Robertson, and Junior Andrew Neidhammer. Winners and runner-ups will be announced during halftime Saturday with the winners receiving $1,000 scholarships, and runner-ups, a gift certificate. Things will then heat up with a bonfire during the pep rally displaying a gigantic ""Ram Roast"" as we rally 'round the Tigers for the big game. Bill Stetka, Director of Alumni Services, expressed his anticipation of the weekend events, ""Last year we had about 1,000 people participating in the parade and pep rally and I think everyone had a good time. We'd like to see at least that many this year. We're trying to make Homecoming More Than You Imagined to show students and Alumni that there's more to TSU than going to class and receiving a degree."" Throughout the weekend, the TSU Spirit Award Contest will be going strong. The Spirit Award will be presented to the student organization/residence hall group which exhibits the most enthu-siasm through participation in the four separate competitions, which total a possible 200 points. Included in this competition is the Homecoming float. Thursday, November 2 through Friday, November 3 the fraternities, sororities, and other student organiza-tions will create their floats in front of Newell where the parade begins. The float is worth 56 points and is based on overall adherance to theme, use of lighting, cOnstruction and design. The organizations automatically receive 10 points for entering the competition. INSIDE RAD holds first meeting. Page 2 Men's soccer hosts their first invitational tournament. Page 6 Jason at Towson. Page 15 The ""big"" test: flag desecration. Page 22 see HOMECOMING, page 14 "