tl20080228-01 "Krysten Appelbaum Senior Editor The lights dim and the audience quiets as a group of dancers take their position on the stage. The dancers� fluid movements have been carefully planned and practiced; the performance has been years in the making. Each piece offers a range of styles and messages as varied and eclectic as the per-sonalities and experiences of the artists behind them. This concert, entitled �conVERGEnce,� is a collective expression through choreog-raphy and performance of what 19 seniors have learned in their years in the Towson dance department. It�s the final product of their senior dance project seminar class, a requirement for the bachelor of fine arts in dance. The sold-out performance, taking place this weekend in the Center for the Arts Dance Studio Theater, will mark the group�s capstone experience before taking the stage in a much different setting�during the University�s commencement. The concert includes dance in different styles ranging from ballet to tap, modern to jazz, and more uncommon performances incorporating beat boxing and musical the-ater. �This is one of the chances we get to show - this is who we are, this is how I want to express myself, this is what I�m interested in as a person, as a dancer, as a choreographer. This is what it is really about,� senior Marlita Hill said. �It sums up what each individual got from their own experience.� For the class, each group member is required to choreograph their own piece either individually or with another group member. The work does not stop at chore-ography though; costumes, practice schedul-ing, publicity and other tasks required in a production were all undertaken by the group in what Hill said was a two-semester long process. Though the group�s efforts may seem to come together seamlessly on stage, the pro-duction did not come without its challenges. Studio space for the group to practice was limited because several dance studios were under renovation through the fall semester. �It�s always a struggle to find dancers that can all meet at the same time because of our busy schedules, but this year there was even more of a struggle with finding dancers that had time not only to work together but also when a rehearsal space was open,� senior Samantha Beary said. �My dancers and I had several rehearsals in the lobby of CFA. We were lucky that the theatre department and the stage at Stephens [Hall] allowed us to share their spaces.� Dance professor Susan Mann, who began teaching the senior seminar class this year, said she had not witnessed a group work together so well before. The Towerlight Published by and for the students of Towson and Baltimore -- twice-weekly Thursday Now on Read �When in Rome,� a blog about the experiences of a student studying abroad in Italy ... Patrick Smith/The Towerlight Students dance in a dress rehearsal of �Front and Center,� the last of the 13 pieces being presented in �conVERGEnce.� All of the pieces in the concert were choreographed by 19 senior dance students for the major�s capstone class. Performing a last dance at Towson Seniors present capstone experience, �conVERGEnce� Free speech draft revised Administrators, students edit �time, place manner� plan Feb. 28, 2008 Students unhappy with Towson Run path News, page 7 Tigers fall 79-63 to Georgia State Sports, page 24 See DANCE, page 15 Sharon Leff Editor in Chief University administrators are alter-ing a recently proposed freedom of speech policy, renamed a �time, place and manner� draft, to better balance the rights of students and off-campus organizations. �I think in the way we presented it, in our attempt to be clear, it felt really restrictive,� Teri Hall, associate vice president for campus life, said. �How do we make sure that our folks on campus understand that their freedom of expres-sion... is as it has always been? That first copy of the [policy] didn�t articulate that in the way we wanted it to.� The �Guidelines � freedom of expres-sion/ speech � verbal presentations� sec-tion was removed and some portions of that section were moved to other parts of the draft. That section included guidelines about the �free speech area,� which was designated �Democracy Plaza,� formerly called the �Speaker�s Circle,� located outside Hawkins Hall. �We took that out because that sec-tion was so confusing in making it seem like free speech was only allowed in one place and that�s not the case,� Hall said. She said the draft now focuses more on demonstration, picketing, protests, marches, and distribution of literature on campus. The section that states, �Depending on the operations of the University, a location different from the request-ed location may be deemed more appropriate for the protest, picket or See POLICY, page 8 "