tl20010405-000 "0/41/1211light Thursday Published twice-weekly by students of Towson University 4/5/02 Leaks plague Millennium Hall ,r it""- ""Orli k 3 Satan stands trial in 'Memo' Towson offense erupts, 14-3 16 Tigers defeat Bison, 4-2 17 Departments News 3 Campus briefs 5 Nation 6 Police Blotter 6 A&E 9 In a Theater Near You 10 The HO Road 11 Wrassltn' Weekly 14 Sports In This Corner Fast Break.. 16 16 17 Op/Ed 22 Bands battle for TigerFest slot After a grueling competition Tuesday, local funk band 9 Deuce claims victory Karen Zorn The Towerlight Each year, as students reluc-tantly return from Spring Break, CAB and the SGA begin to reveal their for the university's most anticipated, though often criticized event: TigerFest. Tuesday night, VIP's hosted a Battle of the Bands, allowing five student bands to perform a few of their best pieces for the chance to play at the spring fes-tival, which will be held May 5. ""Each band submitted an application, and a demo with it,"" said Assistant Coffeehouse Chair and freshman electronic media and film major Kristin Collier. ""Fifteen bands submit-ted their applications. We lis-tened to each demo and had to narrow it down to five bands."" Collier said the only require-ment for playing the Battle of the Bands was that each group have at least one member that attends the � university. Members from CAB and the SGA comprised the panel of judges for the night's competi-tion. Friends, neighbors and even a few parents showed up Tuesday to cheer on the final-ists: Black-Eyed Susan, Gentle Maggie, Karma Sutra, VVoodswork and first place win-ner 9 Deuce, who will be the opening act at TigerFest. ""It takes guts to enter a com-petition,"" said senior psycholo-gy major Irene Asuncion, ""and everybody seems like they're really happy to have this chance to play."" Each group was allowed a short set to show off their best material. CAB members tried to select a diverse group of musi-cal styles that would give the See BANDS, page 14 Rob Perry/The Towarlight (From left) 9 Deuce vocalist Sean Kelly, DJ RC Jeezus and bassist Chris Kennedy competed in the Battle of the Bands at VIP's Lounge Tuesday. The band won, earning them the opening slot in TigerFest on May 5. CAA switch happening this year Adam S. Reisinger The Towerlight A move that originally wasn't scheduled to happen until the summer of 2003 will now take place the same day Dr. Mark L. Perkins takes office as Towson's next president: July 1, 2001. America East and CAA offi-cials have agreed to let the four departing schools � Delaware, Drexel, Hofstra and Towson � become official CAA members July 1, without any financial penalty for early departure. The schools will play full CAA schedules beginning with the winter season. ""I think its good for every-body involved,"" said Athletics Director Dr. Wayne Edwards. ""It's good for America East; they can begin more quickly to put together their future conference. Also, it's good for us. This is where we're going to be long term. I think it's a situation where we know its going. It's better to go ahead move for-ward."" Due to the timing of the recent decision, Towson will remain as an associate America East mem-ber for four sports in the fall � men's and wqinen's soccer, field hockey and volleyball. University President Dr. Hoke L. Smith said he would have liked to get the fall sports in the CAA, but it just wasn't possible. ""In an ideal world, yes [we would have liked it], but the decision waited long enough that there was no way of doing it, so this is the best solution,"" he said. ""I think it was a very cre-ative solution."" When the move was first announced, it was planned for 2003-04. However, America East ' Presidents voted to allow the four schools out one year earlier � 2002-03 � in exchange for their votes to allow Albany and Stony Brook into the conference See CAA, page 18 Today High 61 Low 39 Friday High 65 Low 46 Saturday High 73 Low Si Sunday High 78 Low 51 "