Published by Baltimore Student Media for the Towson University Community
April 30, 2009
Towson’s Hillel brings Malachi the camel to campus
as part of an Israeli cultural celebration.
News, page 8
View highlights from the men’s
lacrosse game vs. Drexel.
A lighter take on Depression
Photos by Casey Prather/ '/'he Towerlight
The cast of "The Time of Your Life” runs through a dress rehearsal prior to the opening of the play. The show debuts on Friday, May 1.
Public debut of 'The Time of Your Life' set for
Friday; production contrasts previous shows
Associate Arts Editor
Towson’s department of theatre arts has been
in need of a cheering up. After the witch-hunts of
"The Crucible," the family tension of “The Piano
Lesson” and the sexual struggles of “Miss Julie,”
it seems the last thing the stage needs is more
Enter "The Time of Your Life." The Pulitzer
Prize-winning play by William Saroyan is a Great
Depression era work, but that doesn’t mean it’s
“This isn’t a kind of a ‘ha-ha’ lines funny com¬
edy," director Peggy Penniman said. “It’s human
beings at their funniest.”
The play, which officially opens Friday night in
the Mainstage Theatre, depicts a large ensemble of
characters in a San Francisco bar in 1939, discuss¬
ing their lives and issues. The cast is one of the
largest of any theatre department production this
year, with 23 characters walking in and out of the
bar. For most of the play there can be three, four or
five simultaneous centers of action.
The colorful cast includes a prostitute, a street¬
walker, a pinball addict, rich people, poor people
and some people simply looking for an escape.
Penniman said that going large was intentional,
coming on the heels of “Miss Julie,” which only
had three characters, but the size came with its
“It’s challenging in a surprising way because
each of the characters is, in a sense, off in his or her
own world, so it’s an ensemble for the actors. But
See PLAY, page 17
New fight
song will
make fall
‘09 debut
Melody decided on
from competition;
2007 alumnus Jeff
Hosier the winner
News Editor
Each major university has a fight
song that students chant at almost
every sporting event. For Towson, a
new song is in development, mean¬
ing “Fight on Towson Tigers" will
soon be history.
The completion of the new fight
song is scheduled for mid-June and
will be in effect in Fall 2009. At this
point, a melody has been chosen
and a competition will take place to
choose lyrics for the song, according
to vice president for student affairs
Deb Moriarty, who is the head of
the project.
After a competition for the mel¬
ody that produced 16 finalists, the
administration met last week and
chose Towson 2007 alumnus Jeff
Hosier’s composition.
”[I decided to be in the competi¬
tion] because I thought it would be
a good challenge. 1 thought it would
give me a chance to give back to the
Towson community," Hosier said.
Hosier was a music education
major at Towson and is now a music
teacher at a private high school in
At TU he played trombone in the
school band and entered the com¬
petition when he received an e-mail
from his band director about the
fight song competition.
“It was a long drawn out process
brainstorming, thinking of catchy
things," Hosier said. "I had to think
what would be good to shout in the
According to Hosier, the melody
is likely to be slightly changed when
the words are decided.
Towson’s associate director of
See SONG, page 10