Tovar Light News net
varied comments. In
our own ininitable sleuth¬
ing fashion we heard stu¬
dents say, "It's all right
for the summer session? or
"Frankly, I think it's a
waste of time," and, more
frequently, "How come the
Perhaps the set-up was
not made quite clear c-
nough. Drop in student en¬
rollment brought in a
smaller activities feej
more important, it seemed
that in times such as
these, great expenditures
on a college publication
v/as unpatriotic and unfit¬
ting. So we adjusted. Tho
Tower Light News of tho
summer session was the ro-
sult. lYe arc sololy en¬
deavoring through it to
keep alive that clusivo
spark called "college spi¬
rit", to leave behind us
at loast a small record of
the session activities and
to keep our boys in camp
in close connection with
their Alma Mater.
Tie do not know what tho
fall will bring. Perhaps a
more elaborate publication
will be possiblo; perhaps
thcro will be none at all.
Studont interest and coop¬
er a.t ion along vdth war
priorities and economios
will bo the decisive fao-
tors in the T. L. future.
Lod., July 29th, STC Campus
Cragg pitched Cap't. !
Spaeth’s tom to an 11-10 |
victory over Cap’t. Viol-
lor’s in a major base¬
ball event. All handspar-
S.T.C.’s nev; gym, vdth its non-priority lamella roof
and much of its interior safoly finished, still needs
certain vital parts for its lighting 'system before it
will be roady for studont use, Mr. F. J. Thuman, State
Architect, stated this woek.
Scarcity of materials isn't the only factor delaying
completion, for the shortage of skilled labor makes
nooossary a minimum of electricians and other trained
mon.In spito of these handicaps, work is going on bris¬
kly; on the outside, only the grading must be finished,
and inside many of tho floors arc laid and most of the
plumbing, as well as the modern vcntila.tion system, has
been installed already.
Now Features
Besides the ingoniously constructed all-wood roof
and the ventilation (whi ch will keep air in tho locker
rooms and the gymnasium fresh and sufficiently heated)
tho now gym has other features that do credit to its
planners. The playing area
of tho main floor is
70x100 feet, and will be
lined to leave room for
movablo blcaohors for use
during big games. Showers,
training rooms, locker-
rooms, arc roomy, bright,'
and sport beautifully de¬
signed fixtures. Two out¬
door asphalt courts at tho
ends of the gym provide
more game spaoo in clear
Minor miracles in this
age of priorities aro tho
coppor spouting, tho gal¬
vanized iron vontilation
equipment, and the stool
window sash that have gone
into the new gym. Mr. Thu-
man commented that tho
were secured through the
"forethought of thoso
that placed the orders",
since many other buildings
arc boing held up indefin¬
itely for want of such ma¬
terials. J.C.
Getting the clectrioal
oquipment is the greatest
problem to be net now, he
explained, and it is doubt¬
ful that tho materials
nooded will bo available
before the end of the sum¬
Studonts who arc on
last somester's honor roll
or arc leaders in student
organizations received in¬
vitations this week to at¬
tend the next Kappa Delta
Pi meeting, whore the sub-
joot of "Student Leader¬
ship" will be di sous sod by
speakers and then in an o-
pen forum. Since this is
the first occasion whon
KDF has ventured to enter¬
tain tho uninitiatc at one
of thoir meetings, August
5th may prove a signifi¬
cant date in the annals- of
tho loecJ. learned.