Towson State College Women’s Center
Spring, 1974
All of the following courses, discussions and performances are free and are open to the TSC and neighboring college communities.
Basic auto repair and maintenance, taught by Barbara Warnock. Ten two-hour sessions. First meeting Wednesday, February 13, 7:30 pm, Womens Center.
Basic home and appliance repairs, taught by Bill Rice, Ten one–hour sessions, First meeting Tuesday, February 12, 7:30 pm, Women’s Center.
Subsequent classes will be scheduled at most convenient time for all.
February 13 (Wednesday). Open house. Womens Center Second Birthday Party. Music. Food. 3:30 pm, Women’s Center.
February 20 (Wednesday). Women and the law, I: “Divorce and custody laws”. Discussion led by lawyer Susan Salsbury, Women’s Law Center, Noon. Women’s Center.
February 23 (Saturday). FIIMS by and about women, including “Women’s Happy Time Commune” and “Sweet Bananas”. Smith 140, 8pm.
February 27 (Wednesday) Women and the law, II: “Banks & credit”. DISCUSSION led by lawyer Cynthia Koonts, Women’s Law Center. Noon, Women’s Center
March 6 (Wednesday). Women and the law, III: “Careers for women in law”. DISCUSSION led by Emma Clark, grad., U.Md.Law School. Noon. Women’s Center.
March 9 (Saturday). COFFEE HOUSE. Folk singers Meg Christian from Washington, DC, Andrea C. Floyd, TSC student. College Center 309-311, 8 pm.
March 13 (Wednesday). Women and the law, IV: “Employment laws”. DISCUSSION led by Beth Hogue of the Women’s Law Center. Noon. Women’s Center.
March 30 (Saturday). Performance by the EARTH ONION theater group of Washington, D.C.. Multi-purpose rooms A &B, College, Center, 8 pm.
April 3 (Wednesday). “Black Women’s Liberation”. DISCUSSION led by Rosemary Malcom, Associate Dean of Students, TSC. 3:30. Women’s Center.
April 24 (Wednesday). “women & Psychology”. DISCUSSION led by Jessica Heriot of the Baltimore Women’s Growth Center. 3:30 pm. Women’s Center.
April 27 (Saturday). WOMEN’S ART SHOW. Opening. Details to be announced.
May 1 (Wednesday). “Dick and Jane as victims: sex stereotyping in children’s readers”. Slide and type presentation. 3:30 pm. Women’s Center.
The Towson State College Women’s Center is located in Temporary Bldg. A-1, next to Stephens Hall, phone x826, mailing address P.O.Box 2013. The Center has books, journals, newspapers and files relating to Women’s Studies and the Women’s Movement and offers counseling and reference in these areas. We also have a coffeepot, so stop by. Open 10-4 most days.