- Title
- Letter from George F. Wieghardt to Lida Lee Tall, 1924
- Identifier
- BTTS_Wieghardt1924-11-15
- Subjects
- ["Baltimore Teachers' Training School","Maryland State Normal School (Towson, Md.) -- History"]
- Description
- November 15, 1924 letter from George F. Wieghardt, Director of Business Management of the Baltimore Department of Education, to Principal Lida Lee Tall, requesting bills incurred from material purchases and transfers during the merger of the Baltimore Teachers' Training School and the Maryland State Normal School.
- Date Created
- 15 November 1924
- Format
- ["jpg"]
- Language
- ["English"]
- Collection Name
- ["Baltimore Teachers' Training School Collection"]
Letter from George F. Wieghardt to Lida Lee Tall, 1924
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