- Title
- Interior of Glen Esk
- Identifier
- ph001822_02.jp2
- Subjects
- ["Towson University. Glen Esk","Universities and colleges"]
- Description
- Photograph of the small living room l in Glen Esk during Dr. Hawkins time there. A portrait of Dr. Hawkins is placed over the secretary against the wall. Glen Esk was built in 1905 by John J. Nelligan. He owned a 22-acre lot which was later purchased by the Maryland State Normal School in 1913. It was the residence for the principals or presidents of the school and housed Dr. Richmond, Dr. Tall, Dr. Wiedefeld, and Dr. Hawkins before becoming the Counseling Center, its current function.
- Date Created
- May 1969
- Format
- ["jp2"]
- Collection Name
- ["Photographs Collection"]
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